The Mountains

This weekend was great. I got to spend some quality time with Caden, which made me happy. We went up into the ozarks with my bro-in-law's family. It was a beautiful drive. However, I was stupid and forgot my camera. My sister did have hers though, and I got a couple of pictures.
There was one spot where Caden and I went swimming that had beautiful teal water. Empyting into this teal lagoon was a small waterfall where we rested our feet. It felt really nice and incredibly relaxing. Upon standing up from this small waterfall I slipped and fell on my ass. It was freaking hilarious. Caden was laughing so hard. The funny thing is when she went to stand up, she busted her ass as well. It was really funny that we both ended up back where we started, lol.
Anyways, we eventually got on our feet and went to drive the atv around. We followed this one trail that seemed to end at this steep hill. Well it did end at this steep hill, but we didn't, lol. We went down it and drove around through some thick trees for a while. Upon realizing we had to go back up this hill, we were both worried. We tried to go up it once but failed and almost rolled the atv. We drove around a bit to try and find another spot, but there wasn't one. So, I had Caden get off the atv and I rode up the hill leaning as far forward as possible. The atv made it and we were safe.

We drove a bit further down this other trail to come across some bear tracks. The first bear tracks I have ever seen in real life. It was pretty cool. I wish I would have had my camera so that I could of taken pictures of them, but alas I did not. I guess some things are best left to memory.
Well, the trip was exciting and fun. I hope to do it again. I think Caden had a great time, and she definitely deserves it. I'll write again, I should be getting my axim in today or tomorrow so I'll tell all about it in my next blog. So long as nothing interesting happens at college square tonight.
*knocks on wood*
I loved that weekend. It was one of the best I ever Had. I love you babe. We'll be happy. I know it. I also want to tell you how much strength you have given me. I could of never done it with out you.
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